Water Purification Resources, News, and Education
STEEP report regarding PFAS and other contaminants in our well water
STEEP report regarding PFAS and other contaminants in our well waterSTEEP is an acronym for Sources, Transport, Exposure and Effects of PFAS’s (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances). This report was completed in 2023 by the University of Rhode Island Superfund Research...
Eliminating Coliform Bacteria in Well Water
Eliminating Coliform Bacteria in Well WaterWHAT IS TOTAL COLIFORM Coliforms include a very large group of bacteria that are present in the soil, in organic material and in surface water. Many coliform bacteria are not a health threat to humans and pets but certain...
Coliform in Well Water
ColiformWater Contaminant Report Coliform Bacteria in Well Water Some bacteria found in the environment are harmless, others can be pretty dangerous, and Coliform Bacteria is one of them. Total Coliform Bacteria (Total Coliform = Environmental contamination) and...
Revolutionizing Clean Water: The Power of Ultra Violet Water Filtration Systems
Revolutionizing Clean WaterThe Power of Ultra Violet Water Filtration SystemsIntroduction Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet a significant portion of the global population still lacks this basic necessity. Traditional water...

Chatham Water ConditionsTown Water Report Overview for Chatham MassachusettsChatham, what's in your water? Chatham's drinking water is sourced from nine (9) groundwater wells located within the town boundaries. These wells tap into the Monomoy Lens aquifer, which is...

Plymouth Water Quality Report Overview
Plymouth Water ConditionsTown Water Report Overview for Plymouth MassachusettsPlymouth, what's in your water? While the latest water quality report for Plymouth showed high-quality drinking water, there were detections of a few contaminants near or above acceptable...

Falmouth Water Quality Report Overview
Falmouth Water ConditionsTown Water Report Overview for Falmouth MassachusettsFalmouth, what's in your water? The town conducted its annual water quality test to determine various levels of any contaminants in the drinking water supply. Some Lead Levels Found The...

Yarmouth Water Quality Report Overview
Yarmouth Water ConditionsTown Water Report Overview for Yarmouth MassachusettsYarmouth, what's in your water? The town conducted its annual water quality test to determine various levels of any contaminants in the drinking water supply. Some Lead Levels Found The...

Hyannis Water Quality Report Overview
Hyannis Water ConditionsTown Water Report Overview for Hyannis MassachusettsHyannis, what's in your water? Annual tests are conducted for various contaminants in the town’s drinking water including lead, iron, and other minerals. Do You Have Lead in Your Home’s...

Wareham MA Water Quality Report Overview
Wareham Water ConditionsTown Water Report Overview for Wareham MassachusettsWareham, what's in your water? As required by all cities and towns, Wareham, is required by the state to test the municipality’s drinking water for various contaminants and issue an annual...
Every house’s water is different. Schedule A home water test to learn what is in your home’s water.
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Let our dedicated service team show you why pure water by design is life-changing.

Make your entire home a healthy home.
With A Customized Whole House Water Filtration System.
Phone Number
(781) 733-9225
Office Location
454 Washington St. #12, Norwell, MA 02061
With locations in Cape Cod and the South Shore
Open Hours
Monday-Friday: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm